Physical Health

Listed here in our directory, we have some amazing health care professionals dedicated to dealing with the impacts you may experience due to a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Your well-being is our top priority and we are committed to keeping it up to date and accurate.

  • Dr. Katie Hamilton


  • Dr. Tracy Levins


  • Dr. Andrea Hansen

    Dr. of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

  • Kelly Aiello

    Registered Holistic Nutritionist

  • Imogen Wood

    Osteopathic Practitioner

  • Paul Roberts

    Osteopathic Practitioner

  • Amanda Matton PT


  • Andrea Edwards PT


  • Strength after Breast Cancer

    Physio-led Group class at YMCA

  • The Pilates Tree

    Pilates Studio

  • Sensational Survivors

    Kinesiology Led group exercise for women living with cancer in Kamloops.

  • Spirit Warriors

    Dragon Boat Team for Cancer Surviviors

  • Margaret Huff

    Yoga Therapy

  • Canadian Cancer Society

    Booklet for Exercise after Breast Surgery